At the beginning of July 2021, the European Commission published Regulation 2021/1099, which amends Annexes II (prohibited substances) and III (restricted substances) of Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009 to prohibit the use of Deoxyarbutin and introduce concentration limits for Dihydroxyacetone. It has now made a correction in several European languages (but not in English), following an error in the implementation date of one of its provisions.
Regulation 2021/1099 provides for new maximum concentrations for the use of Dihydroxyacetone (6.25% in non-oxidative hair dye products, 10% in self-tanning products).
In several European languages, there was a translation error in the implementation dates of this provision, which has been corrected by this corrigendum. This corrigendum does not concern the English version of the document.