Being too clean may cause allergies and make you sick! This is suggested by a recent U.S. study which analyzed and compared the rate of Triclosan in urines to immune system deficiencies.
December 7, 2010
A recent study published by Environmental Health Perspectives, based on data from a national survey on health and nutrition conducted between 2003 and 2006 in the United States, analyzed the impact of the human body
exposure to toxic substances in the environment and has linked it to immune system dysfunctions.
It suggests that exposure to
, an
, used in soaps, deodorants and shaving products, and bisphenol A, two substances suspected of being endocrine disruptors, could have an effect on micro-organisms
responsible for immune system development in young people.
This could make them more susceptible to allergies.
It was based on analysis of rates of
bisphenol A found in the urine of children over 6 years and adults, crossed with the levels of antibodies against cytomegalovirus with different markers of allergy or
hay fever.
The results indicate that children under 18 years having the highest rates of
in their urine were more likely to develop allergies or hay fever.
Strong doubts about
were already mentioned on CosmeticsOBS-L'Observatoire des Cosmétiques.
While the U.S. cosmetic industry represented by
The American Cleaning Institute
is very critical of the causal relationship pointed out by …