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Monday, September 25, 2017Basics



French label for ecological and organic cosmetics, controlled by the Professional Association of Ecological and Organic Cosmetics.

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~ 2 minutes

A private professional association created in 2002, Cosmebio has more than 380 French and international members from all over the cosmetics industry (ingredient suppliers, cosmetic laboratories, manufacturers, distributors).

In order to label a cosmetic product, it requires that it comply with the criteria and values defined in its Charter, revised in 2011, and based on three main topicss:
• Compliance with technical specifications governing ecological and organic cosmetics: Ecocert, Qualité France, COSMOS-Standard…
• Respect for ethical values: fair trade, respect for biodiversity, social responsibility, etc.
• Respect for nature and support for organic farming

To go further
• See the Cosmebio website

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