
Who are we?

CosmeticOBS-L’Observatoire des Cosmétiques

The first independent website dedicated to cosmetic products, not affiliated with any brands or lobbies. We aim to be a comprehensive news site, with substantiated, verified information on cosmetics, cosmetic ingredients, and related news. CosmeticOBS was created for people interested in personal care products and beauty products, be they consumers or cosmetics industry insiders.

The site is the product of “L’Observatoire des Cosmétiques”, a limited-liability company with a capital of €32,000, whose statutes are registered with the Commercial Court of Nanterre under number 504 651 266. Its funding comes from contributions from its shareholders, paid consultations and Internet advertising (none of which originates from a brand of cosmetics).

All information published in its pages results from the work of the website team, and no published information is controlled by a group, brand, or lobby with interests in the world of cosmetics.

To contact us : info@cosmeticobs.com