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Tuesday, March 8, 2011Basics


©Anna Ankudinova/Thincstock

Refers to lipolysis (the process that ease the breakdown of fats) or stimulates it. Lipolytic agents are mostly used in slimming products.

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Among lipolytic agents:
• Caffeine and all ingredients that contains it: coffee ( INCI : Coffea arabica seed extract), Green Tea ( INCI : Camellia sinensis leaf extract), Guarana ( INCI : Paullinia cupana seed extract) …
Algae such as Fucus ( INCI : Fucus vesiculosus extract) or Kelp ( INCI : Laminaria digitata extract) …
Othe plant extracts, such as Ginkgo Biloba ( INCI : Ginkgo biloba root extract), Gamboge Tree fruit ( INCI : Garcinia cambogia fruit extract), Escin from Horse Chestnut or Theophyllin from Tea leaves …

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