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Tuesday, March 5, 2019European Commission

ECHA: "REACH data compliance needs to improve"

ECHA : "La conformité des données REACH doit être améliorée"

ECHA has published its annual evaluation report, delivering updated statistics on evaluated substances and registration dossiers, and giving advice to registrants on how to improve the information they provide on chemicals.

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Every year, ECHA publishes the annual statistics about the progress made in evaluation, according to the Article 54 of REACH.
For the first time, the Evaluation Progress Report has not been published as a standalone report, but instead the statistics on the progress made in dossier and substance evaluation have been made available online along with recommendations to registrants.

In 2018, ECHA checked the compliance of 286 registrations, most of which focused on substances of potential concern. ECHA verifies key information requirements which allow authorities to identify if the substance is carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic; or persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. In 211 cases, the Agency has asked registrants for further information to show that the substance is used safely. ECHA has also examined 198 testing proposals. Altogether, the Agency adopted 274 final decisions, in which 888 different information requests were asked.

The numbers show a similar picture to previous years – in the majority of registration dossiers that ECHA checks, important safety information is missing. After ECHA’s request, most registrants update their dossiers with compliant information.

Bjorn Hansen, ECHA’s Executive Director: “Efforts from all actors are needed to ensure that the safety data companies provide complies with the law. As …

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