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Friday, June 8, 2012Ingredients

ECHA publishes a first list of CMR substances


The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) acts as a communications network to promote the exchange of information among people interested in using chemicals. Established on 18 December 2006, it has just released a report on CMR substances registered or notified after the 2010 registration deadline.

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A press release, on 4 June 2012, let it known that the report “CMR substances from Annex VI of the CLP Regulation which are registered under REACH and/or notified under CLP" published by ECHA is a screening of the information available to the Agency as per April 2012. Further, it is the first opportunity to have a look at the carcinogenic, mutagenic or harmful to reproduction (CMR) substances that are now registered and/or notified.

More than 1,100 individually identified CMR substances listed in the Annex VI of the CLP Regulation have been surveyed. Circa 60% of the substances have either been registered under the REACH Regulation or notified to the C&L Inventory under the CLP Regulation. There are a variety of potential reasons for the remaining 40 percent of CMRs. For example, some substances on Annex VI are very rare and unlikely to be on the market. Others have been substituted by less hazardous substances. Errors in EC and/or CAS numbers could also make it more difficult to assess the statute of a substance.

ECHA considers that this survey does not provide a full picture of the CMRs that are used in the EU. The Agency is planning to further …

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