
The unmissable event of this year
Thursday, October 3, 2019News

4th ERPA Annual Congress on Regulations and Compliance for Cosmetics

4e édition du Congrès annuel sur la réglementation et la conformité en cosmétique de l'ERPA

The ERPA (European Cosmetics Responsible Person Association) is organising its annual Congress for the fourth year. Following the success of the Congress in Prague in 2016, Berlin in 2017 and Brussels in 2018, this CRCC (Congress on Regulations and Compliance for Cosmetics) is the opportunity to acquire expert knowledge and learn groundbreaking news about the European cosmetics regulatory framework.

Reading time
~ 7 minutes

ERPA aims to support the efforts in protecting the safety of the cosmetic products users in Europe by promoting high standards of services and professional conduct among the European Responsible Persons.
It is particularly targeted at Responsible Persons, R&D personnel, Safety Assessors, QA Personnel, Cosmetic Testing Laboratories, CEOs, Regulatory Affairs Specialists…

On the agenda - Monday, 28 October 2019

Session 1: “Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery” - A Strategy for Leading Innovation
> Moderator: Marta de Oliveira Ferreira, Inovapotek, Portugal

The Regulatory Changes & their Impact
> Joelle Meunier, Coordinator Food Supplements and Cosmetics, Belgian Ministry of Health, Belgium
• Ingredients in the spotlight
• Changes to be expected in the near future

IFRA – the 49th Amendment
> Matthias Vey, Scientific Director, IFRA, Belgium
• What are the changes?
• The implementation timeline
• The implications for the industry

Endocrine Disruptors: Unknown and Unwanted Human Exposure to Exogenic Hormones
> Elena Grasselli, Department of Earth, Environment and Life Sciences, Genoa University, Italy
• What are they? Who are they? Why are they problematic?
• What is happening now at EC level?

The Evaluation of Novel Cosmetic Ingredients and the Alternative Tests to Animal Testing
• What are the steps of introducing a new ingredient?
• Which alternative tests to animal testing are available?

Session 2: Is it Magenta or Fuchsia?
> Moderator: Marta de Oliveira Ferreira, Inovapotek, Portugal

Borderline Products
> Gerald Renner, Director Technical Regulatory Affairs, Cosmetics Europe, Belgium
• Is your product considered a cosmetic in the EU?
• How to classify borderline products?
• Classical borderline products wrongly classified
• Hint and tricks in product classification
• Are products sometimes purposely wrongly classified due to commercial matters?
• Examples of court cases involving cosmetics
• When do manufacturers go to court?

Session 3: The Core Moderator: Marta de Oliveira Ferreira, Inovapotek, Portugal

Can New Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA) be the Answer for Safe Animal-Free Cosmetic Ingredients?
> Vera Rogiers, Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
• What is new?
• Next Generation Risk Assessments (NGRA)

Session 4: Passport to other Markets
> Moderator: Alina Nanu, Eurofins, Romania

Free Sales Certificates
> Peter Bursch, CoSIChem, Germany
• What are they?
• Why do you need them?
• How to obtain one?

Session 5: Just a Click Away
> Moderator: Alina Nanu, Eurofins, Romania

Players of the Online Field
> Els Vrindts, Inspector Officer and Coordinator, Belgian Competent Authorities, SPF Sante Publique, Securite de la Chaine Alimentaire et Environnement, Belgian
• Who is responsible for compliancy online?
• How are the European Competent Authorities ensuring compliancy online?
• How is the responsible person ensuring compliancy online?
• Best practices

Session 6: See EU Later, Alligator!
> Moderator: Alina Nanu, Eurofins, Romania

Brexit - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
> Sandra Ferretti, CCO & Public Affairs Manager, Obelis, Belgium
> Daniel Burney, Regulatory Chemist and Cosmetic Safety Assessor, MSL,UK
• Background
• Current situation
• Implications for cosmetics manufacturers
• Regulatory compliancy implications

Brexit Panel
> Daniel Burney, Regulatory Chemist and Cosmetic Safety Assessor, MSL,UK
> Sandra Ferretti, Chief Compliance Officer & Public Affairs Manager, Obelis, Belgium
> Ludger Moeller, CEO, Medical Device Safety Service, Germany
• Future implications • Benefits vs. disadvantages

On the agenda - Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Session 7: How do your Partners Affect your Business?
> Moderator: Peter Bursch, CoSiChem, Germany

The Compliance to the GMP beyond the Certification
> Matteo Zanotti Russo, CEO, Angel Consulting, Italy
• Beyond the certification
• The hidden link between GMP and CPSR
• GMP in practice: How to assess cosmetic products made on the other side of the planet?

Session 8: The Sky is the Limit
> Moderator: Peter Bursch, CoSiChem, Germany

> Ana Palmeira de Oliveira, General Manager, Labfit, Portugal
• What is it?
• Is it trendy now? Why?
• What is true and what is pure marketing?

• What are microplastics?
• Types of microplastics
• What are the risks of using microplastics?
• How are microplastics used in personal care products?
• What are the prons and the cons?
• Are there alternatives to microplastics?

Crème a la crème
> Guido Rainis, Consultant RA Cosmetics, MDSS, Germany
• Natural ingredients and compliancy
• What should you consider when using natural ingredients? The challenges
• Are regulatory wise natural products different than the others?
• CBD vs. THC: What is the difference?

Where are we with Nanomaterials in Cosmetics?
> David Carlander, Nanotechnology Industries Association, Belgium
• What has been done so far in regard to nanomaterials in cosmetics?
• What nanomaterials are allowed in cosmetics?
• How to have your nanomaterial approved to be used in cosmetic products?
• What are the benefits and disadvantages of nanomaterials?

Session 9: Claims, Claims and Some More Claims
> Moderator: Peter Bursch, CoSiChem, Germany

10 Things that you should Know before Starting a Clinical Trial
> Alina Nanu, General Manager, Eurofins Evic Product Testing, Romania
• What is allowed and what is not?
• How much proof of claim is needed?
• What is appropriate proof of claim?
• What is safety and what is commercial?
• Do simple claims not sell anymore?

How “To Run with the Hare and Hunt with the Hounds”?
> Marta de Oliveira Ferreira, General Manager, Inovapotek, Portugal
• The truth about controversial claims, the authorities view
• The bunny symbol, “Free off”, “Vegan”, “Natural”,…
• What is the regulatory impact for these claims?
• Do EU authorities have different approaches?

Session 10: The Technical Side
> Moderator: Alina Nanu, Eurofins, Romania

PIF Data Management
> Jasper ten Brinke, The Regulatory Company, The Netherlands
• Key PIF aspects and elements
• The central role of the PIF in regulatory processes
• Examples of product formula changes and more, and their impact on the PIF and PIF elements
• A best practice PIF management concept with great efficiency benefits and high value adds

Analytical Requirements of Cosmetics
> Yiannis Kapetanstratakis, Manager of Safety and Efficacy Department, QACS, Greece
• What is new?
• Allergens
• Migration
• NGS (New Generation Sequencer) for micro identification

Cosmetics Packaging Material
> Stephane Pirnay, CEO, Expertox, France
• Technical requirements
• Why is packaging information so scarce?
• Missing Information: analytical strategies and new guideline

Session 11: Vigilance / PMS / Authorities Controls
> Moderator: Alina Nanu, Eurofins, Romania

Post Market Surveillance
> Ludger Moeller, CEO, Medical Device Safety Service, Germany
• What does PMS mean?
• Can I avoid PMS?
• Procedures? Are they helpful?
• What kind of consumer events need to be notified to the authorities (Cosmetovigilance)
• Market Surveillance. Hopefully it will not happen! What could this mean to your product or company

The Common Rotten Apple
> Common irregularities identified during Authorities inspections
• What are the often mistakes that can be easily avoided?
• What to expect?
• Consequences of not learning the lesson

For further information
• Visit the CRCC Europe 2019 website

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