Since 2013, the Olfaction & Perspectives congress has aimed to help people discover or rediscover this sense and its importance in all areas: well-being, health, environment, behaviour, etc. Its 5th edition organised by Cosmetic Valley in partnership with ISIPCA will be held on 24 March 2022, in Clichy-La-Garenne (France) and in digital form. With a programme organised around four axes…
Today, in the context of Covid, the general public itself is aware of the sense of smell and is seeking information about the sense of smell.
The topics
The 5th edition of this congress will firstly review the impact of Covid on olfaction, on short and long term symptoms as well as on rehabilitation and recovery methods.
The health crisis has also influenced the consumption and sales practices of scented products: how have brands adapted?
Beyond scented products, the smells in our daily environment are omnipresent and varied. Good or bad, these odours accompany us throughout our lives and are as many reference points. Without smells, we are lost. So how can we improve our daily lives by better managing our olfactory environment?
Consumer expectations have evolved towards more environmentally responsible products, closer to nature, and the health crisis has reinforced this trend. Brands are taking this growing demand into account and developing “natural” products and fragrances. How do these brands work to ensure that a scent is natural? What does a natural smell mean to the consumer?
In parallel, artificial intelligence is developing exponentially in the sector. How will this technology support the development of new scented products, where …