How can a brand become a market leader? Which factors can help it differentiate itself and reach the No.1 position? And how can these factors apply to cosmetics, in particular organic brands, which have difficulties emerging among the massive number of hygiene and beauty product offerings? Christoph Engl, General Manager of Brand Trust, came to the 2015 Naturkosmetic Branchencongress to reveal the keys to success.
Brand Trust is a consulting firm based in Nuremberg, Germany and specialized in increasing brand attractiveness. Its General Manager, Christoph Engl, was invited by the Naturkosmetic Branchencongress (Natural Cosmetics Conference) held in Berlin last October 6-7, 2015, to describe his vision of what makes a brand successful. And to answer a recurring question on the cosmetics market: how can a natural cosmetics brand implement a strategy to become a major player, or even the market leader?
Adapting the strategy to the saturated market
Of course, in the world of cosmetics, there are still a few unsaturated markets, where distributing a product people need is enough for it to easily sell. But developed countries live in an era of abundance, even overabundance. All products (and this is true for cosmetics) are so easily accessible that consumers see them as interchangeable and think their value is almost nil: why buy a product that is more expensive if another looks identical and is available for half the same price in the same department?
Brands under pressure
On this type of market, no product can be claimed to meet a need only it can satisfy. So, to stand out against competition, brands must attract …