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Monday, March 23, 2015News

Nail styling: lack of qualification, risky products

© Thinkstock/L'Observatoire des Cosmétiques

The DGCCRF has just carried out a survey among professionals in nail beautification or nail styling. The inspectors checked the qualifications of the professionals and the composition and labelling of the cosmetic products they use, in order to ensure their conformity and safety. And the results are far from positive.

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The first part of this survey by the DGCCRF (Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes): the verification of the qualification of professionals working in nail styling. Almost 43% of those who have been audited are not qualified under the regulations.
Instead of holding a beautician diploma (CAP, BEP, BAC pro…), the personnel is most often equipped with a training certificate obtained under conditions difficult to verify.
According to the DGCCRF press release, this lack of knowledge of the regulations (law of 5 July 1996 and decree of 2 April 1998), initially sanctioned by 118 warnings, highlighted concerns about possible health risks incurred by consumers.

Risks to consumer health and safety

Second axis of controls: products used in nail styling establishments. The DGCCRF services inspected 689 products, 58 of which were sampled.
Of 58 samples analyzed, 24 were found to be non-compliant, including 10 non-compliant and hazardous due to the presence of substances presenting health risks or prohibited substances such as antimony or methyl ether hydroquinone.
The other samples were declared non-compliant (11) and unsatisfactory (3) for non-compliance with labelling regulations (in particular, lack of translation into French and mandatory information).

The DGCCRF stresses that this survey shows that professionals are also unaware of the regulations relating to the cosmetic products they use.
The investigators established:
- 30 warnings concerning labelling rules or misleading
commercial practices; - 12 administrative
injunctions; - 6 administrative police measures.

Finally, the DGCCRF announces that it will continue to monitor this profession.

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