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Wednesday, June 28, 2017Trends

Sun exposure: 7 solutions to minimize risks


If summer holidays rhyme with seaside, rest, and beaches, they are also synonymous of sunbathing, which can be harmful for health: in addition to accelerating skin aging, UV rays are determining factors in the appearance of skin cancers. So, to help the public better understand what sun exposure involves – and better manage it – connected objects and applications have recently been developed.

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Prevention against the sun’s damages is modernizing with a travel and digital format. Here is a short overview of what is most useful right now – in alphabetical order.

Happy Sun

Concept: British startup siHealth Ltd has made wellness and health a moneymaker. The company has devised a mobile application featuring multiple services. Users can identify their skin phototypes and discover the UV index according to their location. In addition, Happy Sun calculates the ideal time to spend in the sun and measures the quantity of UV rays absorbed by the skin. Once the quota has been reached, the application warns them it is time to seek shade.
Price: it is accessible to everyone – it is free.
Where can I find it? It is available on Google Play and the Apple Store.


Concept: Cosmetics brand Ioma has imagined a mobile application to support consumers in their ‘cosmetic daily life’. Although the tool is not 100% dedicated to fighting against the sun’s hazards, one of the functionalities indicates the UV index through geolocation. It is also an opportunity for the brand to highlight their sun products.
Price: IomaAmoi is free.
Where can I find it? On Google Play and the Apple Store.

Iskin app

Concept: This application was developed by the Dermatology Department of the Gustave Roussy Cancer Centre in France. The ‘Ensemble contre le mélanome’ movement (‘Together against melanoma’), a campaign supported by sponsors like the Crédit Mutuel bank, is intended to inform and warn the general public of the risks related to sun exposure. It is within this context that Iskin was born. This tool helps users check their moles by taking pictures of them to launch a follow-up. A location service also indicates the nearest dermatologists. Although Iskin does not replace the diagnosis established by a practitioner, the objective is to make as many people possible pay more attention to their skins and understand the importance of screening.
Price: Iskin is a free application.
Where can I find it? It is available on the Apple Store and Android devices.


Concept : June is a connected bracelet that looks like a jewel. It measures the dose of sun the skin receives throughout the day. Connected to an application with the same name, it can also indicate the sun protection needed in real time. June records all the data for users to create a history and best monitor their sun exposure.
Price : the bracelet is available for €95.90 and the application is free.
Where can I find it? The former is sold in electrical goods shops, and the latter can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple Store.

My UV Patch

Concept : La Roche-Posay has designed the first connected patch. The principle is simple: once you have stuck it on your skin, the photosensitive patch acts as a sensor and records the UV dose absorbed by your epidermis. Its colour changes depending on the quantity measured. Then, La Roche- Posay provides an interpretation of the results, thanks to an application with the same name. Just scan the patch with your phone, and My UV Patch will tell you when you have been exposed too long. You can also get tips about safety in the sun. And the little extra is that once you have downloaded the app on your smartphone, you can enter your skin, eye, and hair colour to get optimum instructions.
Price : the application is free and the patch is offered if you buy a product in the La Roche-Posay range.
Where can I find it? The connected device is available on Google Play and the Apple Store, the sensor in pharmacies.


Concept: This application was developed by the French Syndicat National des Dermatologues (national union of dermatologists), in partnership with Météo France (French weather forecast agency). Soleilrisk’s mission is to provide the UV index where you are located. Depending on the result, it evaluates whether it is good for you to expose yourself or not and offers tips to reduce health risks to the minimum. A directory of all dermatologists is also available to the app’s users.
Price: it is affordable to everyone, since Soleilrisk is free.
Where can I find it? It can be downloaded from Google Play and the Apple Store.

UV Index widget-worldwide

Concept: Imagined by developer Bjorn Jenssen, this application provides the current sun radiation level, evaluates the highest peak, and provides an estimation for the next three days. UV Index also alerts users when the UV index is too high and they need to stop exposing themselves. Lastly, tips are available to adopt good habits in the sun.
Price : the free version only provides the UV index of the day. To take advantage of the other functionalities, you will need to download UV Index pro. It costs €1.09.
Where can I find it? On Google Play and the Apple Store.

As new companions in the fight against excessive exposures, these new formats offer the advantage of being accessible everywhere (even at the beach)!
However, users do not need to carry a connected object with them to protect themselves from the sun… The most important is to adopt good habits!

Learn more
• Read our article, ‘Sun exposure: the right balance’

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