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Friday, February 20, 2015Products

Recalls of products - February 20, 2015


You may have them in your cupboards. Maybe, you use them, still. Beware: they are dangerous, illegal, harmful… and are the subject of a recall or ban by the European sanitary authorities. Underneath, you may find all the cosmetic products targeted by the RAPEX alert system this week.

Reading time
~ 1 minutes

Burgundy Kizil Henna
(Hair dye)

Brand : Henna Vital

Product: Henna Vital Colour Red

Barcode : 8906043 560117 (560575)
Batch number : 001
Manufacturing date: APR 2013
Expiration date: March 2016

Country of origin : Turkey

Notifying country : Germany

Danger : The product contains 2-nitro-p-phenylenediamine (measured value 1.9 %), which is classified as strongly sensitising. The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Regulation.

Measures adopted: Withdrawal of the product from the market .

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