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Friday, July 13, 2012Products

Recalls of products - July 13, 2012

©Thinkstock/L'Observatoire des Cosmétiques

You may have them in your cupboards. Maybe, you use them, still. Beware: they are dangerous, illegal, harmful … and are the subject of a recall or ban by the European sanitary authorities. Underneath, you may find all the cosmetic products targeted by the RAPEX alert system this week.

Reading time
~ 5 minutes

Liquid Monomer

Brand : NaiLexus

Barcode: B0611-M130

Country of origin : United States

Notifying country: Germany

Danger : The product poses a chemical risk because it contains 93.7% methyl metacrylate (MMA). In its assessment, the Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) considers methyl metacrylate present in concentrations of 80-90 % in such cosmetics to be sensitizing.

Measures adopted : Destruction of the product.

Royal Black Henna

Brand : Royal

Country of origin : India

Notifying country: France

Danger : The product poses a chemical risk because it contains 2-nitro-para-phenylenediamine, a substance which is prohibited in cosmetics and 9.3 % of Para phenylenediamine (PPD) which is classified as strong sensitised. In addition the labelling does not have any of the warnings which should appear on the labelling of hair dyes containing this substance. One accident reported.

Measures adopted : Withdrawal of the product from the market and warning to consumers of the risks.

Also see: Royal Henna dyes: a warning by the ANSM , in the CosmeticOBS-L'Observatoire des Cosmétiques Cosmectic news Section

Rapid' Clair Super éclaircissant Körpermilch

Brand : Rapid' Clair

Barcode: 700607 900013
Batch nbr: 302 152 K 3

Country of origin : Unknown

Notifying country: Portugal

Danger : This product poses a chemical risk because it contains hydroquinone and it does not comply with the Cosmetics directive 76/768/EEC.

Measures adopted : Import rejected at border.

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