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Friday, May 5, 2017Products

Recalls of products - May 5, 2017

© CosmeticOBS-L'Observatoire des Cosmétiques

You may have them in your cupboards. Maybe, you use them, still. Beware: they are dangerous, illegal, harmful… and are the subject of a recall or ban by the European sanitary authorities. Underneath, you may find all the cosmetic products targeted by the RAPEX alert system this week: bath products that look like food.

Reading time
~ 3 minutes

Bath products

Brand : Autour du bain

• Type of models:

 1) Triple Cupcake Fairy Christmas
 2) Mini Cupcake Christmas World
 3) Fondant Sorbet Passion Pc (CPNP 1565458)
 4) Fondant Rose du Maroc Pce (CPNP 1309309)
 5) Fondant Vanille Bourbon Pce (CPNP 1565517)
 6) Fondant Verveine Citronnée Pce (CPNP 1309382)
 7) Mini Cupcake Cranberry (CPNP 1891645)
 8) Mini Cupcake Mangue
 9) Mini Cupcake Rose Vintage (CPNP 1565447)
 10) Triple Cupcake Cranberry (CPNP 1891645)
 11) Triple Cupcake Rose Vintage (CPNP 1565447)
 12) Triple Cupcake Cassis Capucine (CPNP 1565408)
 13) Triple Cupcake Fraisy (CPNP 1565507)
 14) Triple Cupcake Ginfizz (CPNP 1565335)
 15) Ma petit´Tablette Pce (CPNP 1357182)
 16) Cupcake Fruit de la passion Pce (CPNP 1356658)
 17) Cupcake Yogourt Framboise Pce (CPNP 1356527)
 18) Cupcake Coco Ananas Pce

Batch numbers:
 2) MCSG
 3) FBFP
 4) FBRM
 5) FBVB
 6) FBVC
 7) MCCY
 9) MCRV
 10) MCOC
 11) TCCY
 12) TCRV
 13) TCMM
 14) TCTAG
 15) TCGF
 16) BMCH
 17) T8FP
 18) T8FRA
 19) T8PN

Country of origin
: France
Notifying country : Portugal

Danger : The products present a chemical and a choking risk. Due to its characteristic form, colour and size, the products may be mistaken for foodstuff. This may lead especially children to bite small parts from the soap, suck or ingest them, causing choking and/or possible chemical pneumonia.
The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Regulation and the requirements of the Directive 87/357/EEC on products which, appearing to be other than they are, endanger the health or safety of consumer.

Measures adopted: Withdrawal of the product from the market (By: Distributor)

Weekly overview reports of RAPEX notifications, Report 18 , European Union, 05/05/2017

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