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Friday, October 31, 2014Products

Recalls of products - October 31, 2014


You may have them in your cupboards. Maybe, you use them, still. Beware: they are dangerous, illegal, harmful… and are the subject of a recall or ban by the European sanitary authorities. Underneath, you may find all the cosmetic products targeted by the RAPEX alert system this week.

Reading time
~ 3 minutes

Clay mask Argile Rose

Brand : Argiletz

Barcode : 3326101000204
:  105.14

Country of origin : France

Notifying country : France

Danger : The product contains barium above the permitted levels (measured value:147ppm). The product poses a microbiological risk because it contains a high level of aerobic bacteria (300 000 ufc/g). The product does not comply with the requirements of the Cosmetic Products Regulation.

Measures adopted: Withdrawal of the product from the market. Recall of the product from end users.

Extreme Hand Cleaner

Brand : Bikehut

Batchs : 14640057 and 14640066

Country of origin : United Kingdom

Notifying country : Ireland

Danger : The product is contaminated by an excessive level of aerobic mesophilic bacteria (measured values up to 490 000 cfu/g). In particular, if used on dry and cracked skin or on open wounds, the product may cause infection or skin irritation. The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Regulation.

Measures adopted: Withdrawal of the product from the market.

Peeling products:
 1. Fruchtsäure (fruit acid) 80%
 2. Glycolsäure - Fruchtsäure (Glycolic acid – fruit acid) 75%

Brand : Unknown

Country of origin : Austria

Notifying country : Austria

Danger : The products have high concentrations of lactic acid (up to 62%) and have a low pH value (0.2). High concentrations of lactic acid have a strong irritant or even corrosive effect. The product does not comply with the requirements of the Cosmetic Products Regulation.

Measures adopted: Recall of the product from end users.

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