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This request is for the 2,5,6-Triamino-4-pyrimidinol sulfate, an hair colouring agent. It is submission III for this ingredient.
Submission I and II for the hair dye 2,5,6-Triamino-4-pyrimidinol sulfate (CAS: 1603-02-7) was submitted in October 1999 and July 2005 respectively by COLIPA. The hair dye 2,5,6-Triamino-4-pyrimidmol sulfate is an oxidative hair colouring agent used at an on-head concentrations of up to 0.5%.
In September 2008, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP) adopted an opinion on the hair dye 2,5,6 Triamino-4-pyrimidinol sulfate concluding that:
"… the safe use of 2,5,6-triamìno-4-pyrìmìdìnol sulfate as an ingredient in oxidative hair dye formulations at a maximum concentration of 0.5% on the head cannot be assessed.
The potential for induction of gene mutations has to be clarified. Furthermore, studies on genotoxicity/mutagenicity in finished hair dye formulations should be undertaken following the relevant SCCNFP/SCCP opinions and in accordance with its Notes of Guidance.
A skin sensitising potential of 2,5,6-triamino-4-pyrimidinol sulfate cannot be excluded." (SCCP/1122/07)
COLIPA has transmitted the submission III that provides new information and scientific results of a newly conducted HRIPT test and gene mutation assay.
Questions to SCCS
1. In light of the new data provided, does SCCS consider 2,5,6-Triamino-4-pyrimidinol sulfate as safe for use as an oxidative hair dye agent with an on-head concentration of 0.5%?
2. Does the SCCS have …