![30 propositions de la Cosmetic Valley pour une relance durable de la filière](https://d2aabgjce9enf.cloudfront.net/main/media/content/9/5/9506c2401988c07f9fd88f391e195f071f482a7c--md-noborder.webp)
During the General Estates of the perfumery and cosmetics industry held on October 15, 2020, the Cosmetic Valley presented its 30 proposals for measures designed to boost the sector’s recovery. Drawn up after several months of collaborative work, they are intended to help companies, especially the smallest, which have been particularly impacted by the Covid-19 health crisis. The Report that brings them together will be sent to various ministries to promote their implementation.
At the opening of these General Estates, the tone of the speech by Marc-Antoine Jamet, the President of the Cosmetic Valley, was particularly combative and voluntarist: “This week of October, with the e-cosmetics 360 show, the Cosmetic Victories and these Estates General, is essential for us. We wanted it to be not only one of resilience and resistance, but one of rebound and revival. And we have therefore placed it under the signs of innovation, internationality and collective intelligence,” he began. “These Estates General are taking place in the mobilisation and reminder of our expectations that this crisis has exacerbated. We are here out of a desire for growth and jobs and we will only come out of it by the strength of our proposals.”
A statement to be heard by the political authorities
The 30 proposals that were presented during this day are the result of an initiative of the Cosmetic Valley. In collaboration with its main partners (FEBEA, CNEP…), territories and regions, CNRS, ADEME, BPI, IFOP, Business France…, it collected more than 400 contributions, ideas and proposals from companies throughout the value chain.
Analysed and synthesised by the working groups set up during the summer, they were translated …