More than ever, they are in the spotlight, worrying about their possible effects on health, and regulations are being put in place to try to control the risks they represent, even though their identification is still often delicate. The cosmetics sector is not safe from the turmoil since it too sometimes has recourse to proven or suspected endocrine disrupting substances. Hence the interest in knowing at least the names of the ingredients involved. Lists of substances are circulating, more or less reliable. This dossier, updated in real time as soon as new information is available, compiles the most serious and groups together the 28 cosmetic ingredients that the European Commission has selected for priority evaluation, the substances included in CoRAP (Community Rolling Action Plan), the evaluation programme for chemical substances under the REACH Regulation, those listed by the work of the IPCP (International Panel on Chemical Pollution) initiated by the United Nations, as well as those listed by five European Union Member States (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark) on a dedicated website: Endocrine Disruptor Lists. For each one, the detailed sheets indicate the regulations applicable to date, the evidence or suspicions as to their endocrine disrupting potential, the progress of the assessments in progress…