
The unmissable event of this year
Wednesday, April 24, 2024Ecoresponsability

The French are increasingly sensitive to biodiversity issues

Les Français sont de plus en plus sensibles à la biodiversité

According to the Odoxa barometer for I Care and Capital, consumers believe that respect for biodiversity is now a major issue. According to the results of the survey, 80% of those polled believe that the environmental situation of the country, and of the planet more generally, is very worrying.

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The study was carried out among a sample of 1,005 French people interviewed over the Internet on March 27 and 28, 2024.

Biodiversity refers to all living beings and the ecosystems in which they evolve. And 95% of French people say that protecting it is a priority. Consumers are not standing still in the face of the climate crisis.
47% are convinced that human activities are responsible for endangering animal species and their habitats.
Topping the list are chemical pollution (53%) and agricultural pollution (47%).

End of the month versus end of the world

“It’s not because their priorities revolve around purchasing power that the French think we shouldn’t care about the planet,” comments Gaël Sliman, President of Odoxa. “On the contrary, 52% of them believe that in these times of crisis, nature conservation policies should be pursued, as they are not incompatible with growth and employment. This stance represents a complete turnaround from the perceptions that prevailed less than 10 years ago. In 2015, a majority (50% vs. 47%) felt that, in times of crisis, the country’s leaders should first and foremost look after the economy.”

A collective concern

For the French, protecting biodiversity is everyone’s business. *For three …

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