![Jean-Claude Le Joliff](https://d2aabgjce9enf.cloudfront.net/main/media/content/0/2/02fea9d3f906e23076bdd8f635e4be65174cb67d--md-noborder.webp)
I am sure regular readers of our mood notes were not surprised by the recent news about the notion of Artificial Intelligence (AI). For those that do not feel concerned, it is still time. All of a sudden, this AI notion has been put in the spotlight, in particular with the report by French deputy Cédric Villani on the need to make strong investments in these approaches.
As you have probably understood, I am a strong believer in the use of these techniques in our trades (see my mood notes, Artificial Intelligence and formulation and What intelligence for beauty?). Now, I do not mean to mind other people’s business, because I am not an expert in their commercial applications and the significant contributions expected in terms of supply chain management, but I am part of those who think that, in formulation-related trades and, more generally speaking, in technical functions, these approaches will obviously provide highly significant advances.
Without necessarily considering the use of laboratory robotics, which is more of a nod than anything – although it does reveal all the progress expected –, there are very concrete fields in which AI strategies would be most welcome: the choice of preservative systems, the choice of filters and photoprotectors, the choice of surfactants and stabilizers, and, to a different extent, the processing of multiple data, for those who have any (clinical assessment or research centres). Not to mention the automation of the regulatory function, whose slowness in acquiring these techniques is just as difficult to understand (see my mood note To a regulation at …