Great emotion recently about this little irreplaceable pleasure for some. We announce the shortage, we denounce changes in taste at the slightest change in shape! A good opportunity to question the appreciation and evaluation of products in our cosmetic professions. Or when the sensory aspects can prevail over the tyranny of the active principle..;
First of all, the announcement of the chocolate shortage relayed with great drum reinforcement. In France, thousands of visibly anxious Internet users share articles on the subject. Is it really time to fight to bite into a chocolate bar? The explanation is simple: emerging countries are consuming more and more, so that"the world is becoming more and more competitive". demand for cocoa will exceed production over the next five years "According to the International Cocoa Organization.
Then, at the same time this serious question: does chocolate change taste when it changes shape ? Since 1905, Her Majesty's subjects have been enjoying Dairy Milk milk chocolate bars from Cadbury. But the cocoa candy has changed its angular squares to give them a more rounded shape. Since then, the critics have been flying, the amateurs complaining of a degraded taste. However, the recipe remains unchanged . Are the British crazy?
Let us return quickly to the root of the problem. In February 2010, Cadbury, a more than secular company, is acquired by the American giant Kraft Foods. Among its flagship products in the United Kingdom, the Dairy Milk chocolate bar, highly prized since 1905 by the population. But in 2012, a change …