The latest version of In-Cosmetics has just been held in Paris, and the least we can say is that anti-pollution, and by extension pollution, was at the centre of the debates. Indeed, it was very difficult to find an alley in which this theme was not treated in one form or another.
Of course, warnings about the health dangers of pollution are worrying. The WHO considers it to be the greatest environmental risk factor and a 2014 report by the American Lung Association announced that more than 50% of Americans live in areas where it is harmful to health. What about Asia where this problem is critical? And Europe is no better.
Health risks are beginning to be well described. At the skin level, a study by Krutmann et al. published in 2015 showed a certain number of signs associated with pollution: increased skin reactivity, redness, deeper wrinkles, appearance of spots. Much work is being done on the impact of pollutants, and epigenetics is a very interesting answer. Many other articles follow the same theme. Consequently, the risks on the skin are the subject of a profusion of articles and products positioning themselves on this niche. According to Minitel, there is a 40% increase in the number of cosmetics placed on the market with an anti-pollution claim between 2011 and 2013, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.
As a result, in the cosmetics industry, pollution control is becoming a recurring leitmotiv. A brief inventory of the assets presented at In-Cosmetic 2016 provides proof …