More than a thousand of beauty and care products, of home-care products are One Voice labelled. Identifying the animal-, planet- and human beings-friendly products, the One Voice label is popular with an increasing number of consumers, the association says.
One Voice press release
The One Voice label is now well established in customers’ habits. Allowing for the easy seeing of living organisms-friendly products, it is a complementary means of action for those who choose a responsible and reasonable consumption. While the certification procedure may be long and binding for companies, nevertheless, they are more and more to choose the One Voice label, thanks to the transparency of its criteria and the absence of any commercial interest.
Lack of confidence
From the pioneers –Léa Nature, Phyto Actif, Hyteck Aroma and Phyt’s – the list of brands that enter the One Voice’s labelling process is longer every day. Be they worldwide renowned, such as Yves Rocher, with products for bath, face and body care, or more “confidential," such as Coslys, with very specific and niche products, there are now more than 32 brands, which have decided to promote their products, thanks to the One Voice label.
However, it is among the most stringent labels, maybe THE most stringent, on the certification market.
Not animal tested, but vegan and organic
In order to get the label, in fact, the products, and their ingredients, shall not have been animal tested, (living, to be …