After each of the presentations made by the European Commission services at the “1 substance, 1 assessment” (1S1A) information session, the speakers answered questions from the audience. Here is the first part of their answers.
Q&A following the intervention of Cristina de Avila, Head of Unit Sustainable Chemicals at DG Environment of the European Commission, on the overall presentation of the 1S1A initiative.
A question on behalf of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety: Wouldn’t it be better to rename 1A1A “One substance, one hazard assessment” to reflect its true scope and to separate it from risk assessment, as the latter will always be needed for cosmetics?
The scope of the “1 substance, 1 assessment” initiative goes beyond “1 substance, 1 hazard assessment”. Even though we will end up having different risk assessments for different pieces of legislation because they will meet the needs of those pieces of legislation, our ambition is that in the end, the whole thing can be seen as a coherent and logical risk assessment. We cannot change the name of the European Green Deal and of this initiative. But in fact, previously we all aimed to have hazard identification and classification and they work on the basis of the risk assessment of the different pieces of legislation. This initiative tries to streamline all these risk assessments as well and make them consistent. But the “1 substance, 1 assessment” initiative is …