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The European Commission has just transmitted to WTO a draft directive aimed to make technical modifications to the Aerosol dispensers Directive, and to change their labelling rules via an amendment to CLP regulation.
Notification date
January 8, 2016
This draft Commission Directive intends to increase the maximum allowable pressure in an aerosol dispenser from 13.2 to 15 bar at 50°C when non-flammable propellants (compressed gases) are used. The maximum pressure provided currently by Directive 75/324/EEC limits the use of non-flammable propellants for some categories of aerosol dispensers. Commission Directive 2008/47/EC amending for the purposes of adapting to technical progress Directive 75/324/EEC increased the maximum allowable pressure from 12 to 13.2 bar which was at the time the maximum pressure limit allowing to guarantee safety. However, further technical progress and innovation made possible a further increase of the maximum allowable pressure in the case of non-flammable propellants enabling thus to remedy a situation where the drop of the internal pressure during the use of the aerosol dispenser resulted in noticeable deterioration of its performance. The increase in pressure will therefore address this problem for some applications and will encourage industry to switch from flammable to non-flammable and thus more environmental friendly propellants. It will also allow a wider choice for manufacturers and also for consumers without however affecting the current safety levels.
The draft Directive also intends to adapt the labelling provisions of …