Latest cosmetics news in brief - China: 2nd version of the inventory of existing ingredients - Minnesota bans Triclosan - China announces the end of mandatory animal testing - Nanos: European Commission launched a public consultation - Essential oils in discussion in Brussels - France: strong competition for beauty specialist retailers…
June, 3 - China: 2nd version of the inventory of existing ingredients
The China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) have published a notice to invite public comments on the second draft version
of the Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC 2014), containing 8203 ingredients. Compared with the first draft version issued on 24 Jan 2014, the new version includes 438 ingredients less, adds approved new cosmetic ingredients and ingredients used as preservatives, hair dyes, sun-screening agents and colorants. The deadline for comments is 15 June 2014.
The IECIC 2014 may be downloaded on the
Chemical Inspection & Regulation Service (CIRS) website
May, 26 - Minnesota bans Triclosan
Minnesota becomes first state to ban triclosan. Gov. Mark Dayton recently signed a bill legalizing a measure banning triclosan-containing products (including soaps, toothpastes and deodorants) in the state. The bill is justify by environmental and health concerns, as well as a risk of resistance to bacteria. The law will go into effect January 1, 2017.
• Also see
the article 'Triclosan'
, in the Ingredient of the month Section
May, 20 - China announces the end of mandatory animal testing
The report was posted online by Chinese television CCTV. And …