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Wednesday, October 9, 2019News

17th edition of the Cosmetic Valley Perfumes & Cosmetics Congress

17e édition du Congrès Parfums et Cosmétiques de la Cosmetic Valley

The Perfumes & Cosmetics Congress – Regulatory Issues has become the major professional meeting, over the different editions. In view of the current cosmetic regulations agenda and its conference programme, the 17th edition seems most promising… It will be held in Chartres on 6 and 7 November 2019.

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~ 3 minutes

The Perfumes & Cosmetics Congress – Regulatory issues is intended for Regulatory Affairs Managers, CEOs, COOs, Scientific Directors, R&D, Formulation laboratory, Toxicology, Quality, Technical, Marketing managers, Pharmacists… It will be the opportunity to get up-to-date on the regulations which affect the cosmetic and perfume sector, to exchange with professional counterparts and to dialogue with your regulatory authorities. At the end of the first day, exchange groups will be led by the speakers and will be an additional element to their talks.

On the agenda - Wednesday 6th November 2019

Hosted by Christine Lafforgue, President and François Viot, General Secretary,, Société Française de Cosmétologie

Opening speeches
> Jean-Pierre Gorges, President of Chartres metropole, Mayor of Chartres
> Marc-Antoine Jamet, President, Cosmetic Valley

Corporate Social Responsibility in Cosmetics firms
> Claude Fromageot, Sustainable Development Director, Groupe Rocher
> Karen Lemasson, Corporate Social Responsibility and Open Innovation Director, Laboratoire Expanscience

Ecotoxicity of cosmetic ingredients
> Paul Thomas, Eco-toxicologist, Cehtra

European Regulation: update, recent developments - Visio Conference
> Salvatore D’Acunto, Head of unit Technologies of Health and Cosmetics, DG Grow, European Commission

New horizons for the European Cosmetics Regulation
> Gerald Renner, Director Technical Regulatory Affairs, Cosmetics Europe

IFRA 49: Future new standards
> Jean-François Goursot, Technical Director, Prodarom

Unique Product Identifier; Information digitalisation: update
> Anne Laissus-Leclerc, ET FMCI Chairwoman, Cosmetics Europe

Evaluation of Microbiologic Protection with Packaging
> Florence Roullet, Formulations and Materials Director Beauty, Aptar
> Nadine Bresciani, R&D Microbiology Responsible, Chanel

DGCCRF inspections assessment: Review and Outlook
> Ambroise Pascal, Head of the office in charge of products and health benefits, DGCCRF
> Sammy Drissi Amraoui, Inspector in charge of Cosmetic Products, DGCCRF

Inspections Review 2018 and 2019 of the ANSM
> Julien Dupont, Head of the Market Surveillance Inspection Department, ANSM
> Vanessa Picot, Cosmetics Products Inspector, ANSM

On the agenda - Thursday 7th November 2019

Hosted by Anne Laissus-Leclerc, Scientific Director, LVMH Recherche P&C et Olivia Santoni, Director, Bloom Regulatory

> Meglena Mihova, Partner, EPPA

Endocrine Disruptors: vision of Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS)
> Christophe Rousselle, Toxicologist, Member of SCCS

ISO Standard on organic cosmetics
> Anne Dux, Director of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, in charge of European relations, FEBEA

Lost in the Nagoya Protocol and its National & European transpositions? How to get through the maze, which impacts?
> Thomas Delille, Attorney, Mayer Brown

Regulatory News in China
> April Guo, General Manager, Personal Care Division, CIRS

Brexit, UK Regulations : updates
> Emma Trogen, Director Legal Affairs, Cosmetics Europe
> Emma Meredith, Director-General, CTPA

Regulation: hotspots in the world
> Anne-Marie Breton and Armand Guyon, International Regulations Managers, FEBEA

European cosmetic regulation in practice: Q&A session
> Scientific & Regulatory and Legal & Social Affairs FEBEA departments

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