Latest cosmetics news in brief - A review of available alternatives methods - L’Oréal: 15% of communication goes to digital technologies - The European Commission is “moving” cosmetic products - A corrigendum to regulation No 866/2014 - China : Final Version of the Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients…
September, 30 - A review of available alternatives methods
In support of REACH legislation, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) has published a state-of-the art review of test methods and non-testing (computational) approaches. It focuses on "non-standard" methods, that are not included in current regulatory guidelines and provides a valuable resource for companies that produce or market chemicals and consumer products as well as for regulatory bodies and non-governmental organisations interested in the use of non-standard methods for enhanced safety testing.
• The Alternative methods for regulatory toxicology – a state-of-the-art review, JRC, 2014 is available on the European Commission website
September, 25 - L’Oréal: 15% of communication goes to digital technologies
In an interview for the French newspaper L’Usine Nouvelle, CEO of L’Oréal Jean-Paul Agon announced the group will dedicate 15% of its communication budget to digital technologies this year.
“The digital technology changes the relationship with distributors, co-workers, but also consumers”,
explains the CEO of L’Oréal.
“Up until now, we sold products. The digital technology changes the nature of what is sold. We are making a transition to a product-service combination. This is fundamentally different”.
The group recruited a “Chief Digital Officer” last March, Lubomira Rochet, who will manage …