On 13 December 2024, two European regulations will come into force. Implementing Regulation 2024/1435 provides the model that product recall notices issued by companies to consumers must follow, and Implementing Regulation 2024/1740 enable consumers to report products directly to the Safety Gate portal. Both are implementing measures for Regulation 2023/988 on general product safety (GPSR), which also comes into force on 13 December.
The model for recall notices
Published on 27 May 2024, Implementing Regulation 2024/1435 provides a template for a single, standardised recall notice, detailed both in its form and in the information it must contain. It is valid for both in-store and online displays.
A corrigendum has been published in July to add a further clarification on the instructions to be given to consumers.
The model to be used from now on is as follows:
Consumer access to Safety Gate
Published on 24 June 2024, Implementing Regulation 2024/1740 enable consumers and other interested parties to report products that could pose a risk to health and safety directly to the Safety Gate portal.
The information supplied will be filtered automatically to check its relevance, and information that is found to be relevant will be forwarded to the Member States concerned so that they can take the necessary measures.
See also the article on this subject
• Yes, the GPSR applies to cosmetics!, CosmeticOBS, 9 December 2024
• The European Commission publishes its template for a recall notice, CosmeticOBS, 3 June 2024
• Template for a recall notice: a corrigendum to European …