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Monday, December 1, 2008Basics

Max Havelaar

Max Havelaar

A seal of approval given to a product which meet the criteria of Fair Trade. It is managed by the Max Havelaar France association , a member of the international movement Fairtrade. Max Havelaar-labelled products are controlled on a regular basis by FLO-CERT, an independent certification body.

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The Max Havelaar organization does not buy or sell any product, but certifies products from different brands which meet the international criteria for fair trade. Its goal is to use trade to enable peasants and employees of the southern hemisphere to live off of their work, under just and independent conditions.

Thus the following are considered:
• a minimum price guaranteed to producers for each raw material, in order to ensure the basic needs of their families and to allow investments for future,
• the incentive to get organized in democratic and independent co-operatives, and the payment to these groups of a development bonus by customers, to allow for the improving of the living conditions of the group,
• culture methods shall be increasingly respectful of nature, in particular through the forbidding of GMO and a reduction of chemical products use, leading on the long term, and where possible, to conversion towards organic farming,
• respect for persons and their basic rights, to ensure conditions for a decent and productive work, in conditions suitable for freedom, equity, safety and dignity.

In cosmetics industry, the logo may be posted as soon as at least one ingredient is produced and marketed within this framework.

For further information
Website of Max Havelaar

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