As every year, at the close of the Cosmetic Valley’s 22nd Congress on Regulatory Issues - Fragrance & Cosmetics, held on 20 and 21 November 2024, the FEBEA team answered questions prepared by delegates during the two days of conferences. The first part of the session focuses on regulations, labelling and cosmetovigilance.
This year, Stéphanie Lumbers, Xavier Guéant, Brice Leclerc, Catherine Bramaud, Marie Guirand and Erwan Poivet answered questions from delegates.
The “Urban wastewater treatment” Directive
What progress has been made by the cosmetics sector on the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive?
Answer from Stéphanie Lumbers
We have reached the end of the European legislative cycle (editor’s note: the Directive was published on 12 December 2024). Despite all the efforts of national associations, including the FEBEA and Cosmetics Europe, it has to be said that we have not been heard. Article 9 therefore provides for the introduction of an EPR for micropollutants. Obviously, we’re not going to stop there. We’re discussing transposition at national level, since we’re talking about a directive. So there is some room for manoeuvre when it comes to implementing EPR, particularly in France. This also raises the question of harmonisation of application, but that’s another matter. And at European level, Cosmetics Europe is working on the definition of a micropolluting substance, on the establishment of guidelines for setting up eco-organisations, and so on.
The “Deforestation-free” Regulation
How do you interpret the “ex” in the Deforestation-free Regulation?
Answer from Stéphanie Lumbers
These are customs codes. The “ex” …