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Monday, February 6, 2023Dossiers

Aluminium: the dossier

Aluminium : le dossier

It has been the subject of controversy for years, it returns particularly to the forefront of controversial ingredients when it is present in cosmetics in the form of salt. Is aluminium dangerous when applied to the skin? Is it in danger of being more strictly regulated? What are the alternatives available to formulators to address growing consumer concern? Is it possible to claim “Aluminium-free”? CosmeticOBS has gathered in this dossier the different for and against arguments, and all the necessary data to understand aluminium in cosmetics…

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~ 2 minutes

Aluminium, antiperspirants, deodorants, and other products

It is controversial, but also daily and ubiquitous… and in fact not so well known. Which consumer who wants to avoid aluminium in his cosmetics really knows what he wants to avoid, and in what form would aluminium possibly have reasons to be avoided? And for what reasons? And in which types of products? How many people know how to explain the difference (and this applies to consumers as much as to some professionals) between deodorants and antiperspirants, and which ones may or may not contain aluminium salts? A brief reminder of the basics, to put the points on the i’s of the word aluminium…

The “Aluminium-free” claim

Already targeted by Regulation 655/2013 on Common Criteria laying down common criteria for the justification of claims used in relation to cosmetic products and associated guidelines, the “Fre-from…” claims have been further regulated (and even almost prohibited) by the European Technical Document on Cosmetic Claims and the latest version of the ARPP Recommendation “Cosmetic Products”, both applicable as from 1 July 2019. So what about the claims “Aluminum-free” or “Aluminum salts-free” on a deodorant? Reminder of the texts and clarifications by the experts.

Aluminium: the scientific debate

But in fact, do aluminium and its salts have a real harmful potential when they contribute to a consumer’s exposure via cosmetic products? What does the scientific community say? What about the health authorities? And the European experts? It seems that they all have an opinion (and the arguments that go with it) on the issue. The only problem is that it is not the same and far from it. And, from evaluations to evaluations, from opinions to opinions, from tests to experimentations… we are still a long way from reaching a consensus on the issue… However, a regulation seems to be on the horizon, even if it has been a long road. In 2019, the SCCS finally decided on the safety of aluminium and its compounds. But the debate was not over yet. And from mandate to mandate, from Opinion to Opinion, we are still waiting for the final verdict of the European Commission.

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