Following the classification of Methyl Salicylate as a reprotoxic of category 2 under the CLP Regulation, the SCCS was mandated to assess the safety of the substance and published two Opinions, one for adults and the other for children. Its British equivalent, the SAG-CS, has just published its conclusions, which differ in several points from those of the European Scientific Committee.
As a reminder, the SAG-CS (Scientific Advisory Group on Chemical Safety of Non-Food and Non-Medicinal Consumer Products) is a scientific group tasked with advising the OPSS (Office for Products Safety & Standards) on risk management measures for cosmetic ingredients. It is thus the exact equivalent of the SCCS (Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety), whose Opinions form the basis of the cosmetics regulations issued by the European Commission.
Since the Brexit, the SAG-CS has been carrying out its own safety assessments, which, as Opinions diverge, is helping to create regulatory differences between the UK and Europe. This is likely to continue to be the case for methyl Salicylate.
The Opinions of the SCCS
Following the Repr. 2 (CMR 2) classification of the substance, enacted by Regulation 2021/849 (17th ATP of the CLP), a dossier for exemption from the ban was submitted to the SCCS on the basis of Article 15 of European Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009.
In a first Opinion of November 2021, the SCCS validated different safe concentrations depending on the type of product, but with reservations for products intended for children under the age of six.
In a second Opinion of September 2023 devoted to children’s exposure, the Scientific …