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Wednesday, July 26, 2023News

Summer 2023: Institut Scientis webinars and training courses

Été 2023 : les webinaires et formations d'Institut Scientis

INSTITUT SCIENTIS is a scientific service provider specialising in regulations, microbiology and the design of products such as cosmetics, biocides, detergents and candles. It is also a registered and QUALIOPI-certified training organisation, recognised for the quality of the training it provides. With this in mind, INSTITUT SCIENTIS has put together a rich programme for this summer of 2023.

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La principale activité d’INSTITUT SCIENTIS est l’évaluation de la sécurité des produits cosmétiques (expert toxicologue ERT interne). Its areas of expertise have been extended to include the drafting and auditing of PIFs, CPNP notification, verification of labelling and standards monitoring. INSTITUT SCIENTIS provides a daily regulatory and general scientific hotline. Approved by the French Ministry of Research (CIR/CII), their laboratory can create galenic forms tailored to the needs of marketing departments and in compliance with regulatory requirements.

INSTITUT SCIENTIS is a registered organisation (no. 11755465975) recognised for the quality of the training it provides and QUALIOPI-certified in the ACTIONS DE FORMATION category. This summer, all online training courses and conferences will be available for replay after the broadcast date. And a free FAQ (cosmetic or biocide) with every webinar or training course order.
Check out the programme!

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