Faced with the climate emergency, many manufacturers have intensified their efforts to limit their impact on the planet. Capterra (an online B2B software comparison service) conducted a survey of 1,400 executives to better measure the implementation of concrete actions in favor of ecology. Spoiler: 76% of French SMEs have already started to act.
This study was conducted (online) in December 2022 among 1,400 company directors/managers (from various industries) located in France, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK.
The French sample is composed of 360 respondents.
A growing concern
The climate crisis concerns French manufacturers. Eighty percent say they are concerned about the state of the planet, as this has repercussions on the supply chain.
“The Italian (79%) and British (82%) panels express similar concerns. The Netherlands is somewhat different, with only 52% of these participants sharing this opinion,” explains Capterra.
Action, reaction
Concern over global warming has led industry to review its practices.
76% of French companies indicate that they have worked internally to limit their impact on the planet. This is followed by Italy (64%), the UK (64%) and the Netherlands (44%).
If professionals are committed, it is because they:
• Have a sincere belief in the need to protect nature as a company (52%)
• Have a desire to improve their brand’s reputation (36%)
• Need to meet the expectations of investors, consumers or customers (32%)
“In 2021, 94% of French respondents said they were already taking sustainability into account in their purchasing processes, with questions about climate change influencing their …