In a press release dated 14 January 2021, the FEBEA welcomes the fact that France is the first European Union country to be able to export its cosmetics to China without animal testing. This is a result of the new Chinese cosmetics regulation (CSAR), which came into force on January 1st, and the implementation by the ANSM of the system for issuing the necessary GMP certificates. Explanations.
“Animal testing of cosmetic products has been banned throughout the European Union since 2009,” explains FEBEA. “But some countries, including China, were still testing imported finished products before allowing them to be marketed on their territory. These tests were carried out by the local health control authorities and not by the brands.”
With its new Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Regulation, the Chinese authorities have accepted that “ordinary” cosmetic products can be exported to China without being tested on animals by the Chinese authorities before being put on the market. This is on condition that manufacturers present a certificate of conformity to Good Manufacturing Practices, issued by the competent authorities of their country of origin, as well as a product safety assessment.
In France, it is the ANSM (National Agency for the Safety of Medicines) which is responsible for issuing this certificate to manufacturers. Since 12 January 2021, the Agency has put online the list of information to be transmitted to obtain this certificate, thus allowing all French cosmetics manufacturers to export more easily to China.
This certificate, which is valid for three years, may be issued to any establishment carrying out a manufacturing or packaging activity which so requests, …