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Wednesday, October 28, 2015Advising consumers

How to prevent tooth erosion and stains


As time goes by, good oral and dental hygiene is no longer enough to preserve tooth enamel and whiteness. Here are the good habits and right cosmetics – with or without fluorine – to be adopted to keep or recover your stainless smile.

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~ 8 minutes

What is tooth erosion?

Tooth erosion is an enamel degradation usually caused by the chemical aggression of specific foods that act on the surface of our teeth by degrading it.

Who is responsible? Food habits, in particular the consumption of acid ingredients (both drinks and fruit, mostly), but also gastric reflux and repeated vomiting for people suffering from bulimia or anorexia.
Attrition is frequent with adults, and it worsens with age, but it increasingly affects the younger generations fond of sodas and energy drinks with an acid pH.

The first signs of tooth erosion are often hard to identify, so you had better trust your dental surgeon’s diagnosis. However, a tooth that becomes transparent, makes dentine visible, gets stained, loses its whiteness, or gets thinner until its initial form changes and it cracks, is a tooth that is in an advanced stage of erosion.
If you lose your enamel, it is not just aesthetically uncomfortable. Unfortunately, it also exposes teeth to external aggressions and can lead to dental hypersensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, to sugar and touch, and therefore to acute pain.

Daily prevention

If British researchers are said to have recently developed toothpaste capable of restructuring tooth enamel …

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