If marketing experts are to be believed, consumers aged 12 to 27 are different from other demographic groups. And to help luxury and cosmetics brands understand the needs of Gen Z, Éric Briones, CEO of Journal du Luxe, has written a book on the subject. To mark the book’s release, he was invited by the CEW France to draw up a profile of these young people.
It’s not easy being 20. According to the expert, members of Gen Z experience contradictory emotions. They may be enjoying their youth, but they’re also anxious and their mental health isn’t always up to scratch.
From an economic point of view, the picture is brighter.
“Unlike their elders of the same age (X and Millenials), Zs have more money. They know how to manage their finances.”
They are also more creative than other demographic cohorts. On the other hand, the world of work, as it exists today, doesn’t appeal to them all that much.
Luxury, always luxury!
Zs like to shine. For them, beauty and luxury products are highly desirable.
Their digital upbringing explains why. “They’ve been brought up by influencers,” comments Éric Briones. “Every day, on social networks, they get a dose of luxury.”
On average, Zs buy their first luxury item at the age of 15. “We can expect Generation Alpha to behave in the same way.” They spend around $2800 (according to a Kantar study based on an American panel) a year on cosmetics. They are the demographic group most likely to spend this much on beauty products.
Zs are particularly fond of perfume (83% wear it …