Like all other actors in the beauty industry, Aroma-Zone has suffered from the coronavirus crisis. And the situation is unprecedented enough to draw lessons from it. The brand has confided to CosmeticOBS how it has gone through the different stages of the Covid-19 storm and especially what are its next objectives to initiate the most effective rebound.
CosmeticOBS? How did Aroma-Zone experience confinement?
AZ : As for many companies, it was a period of complete reorganization: closing of the stores, teleworking of the “office” staff, taking protective measures (wearing a mask is mandatory within the company, especially from the beginning of the containment) for the employees continuing to work on the production sites, in the laboratories and in logistics.
Despite the closure of our stores, business remained very strong, thanks to our website.
CosmeticOBS: What strategies have been devised to deal with the pandemic?
AZ: Aroma-Zone immediately committed to participate in the national solidarity effort.
Already before the containment, we were solicited by hospitals in the Lyon region to provide hydroalcoholic gel. Our formulation teams were mobilized to develop an organic hydroalcoholic gel meeting the recommendations of the ANSM to guarantee its effectiveness. Thanks to our subcontractors and our production teams, we manufactured this gel very quickly and were able to offer 25,000 units from the start of containment.
We also donated protective material, empty bottles, alcohol, glycerin, to firefighters, liberal nurses, but also to clinics and hospitals that requested us.
At the same time, we offered our Internet customers our hydroalcoholic gel at cost price. …