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Thursday, December 6, 2018Cosmetics glossary


Logo d'EthicAdvisor

This logo, awarded by the private company EthicAdvisor, aims to distinguish ethical products in three dimensions: the health, the social and the planet.

Reading time
~ 1 minutes

EthicAdvisor is first and foremost a French website that offers consumers, based on information from the Open Food Facts and Open Beauty Facts databases, to analyse their products (food and cosmetics) according to some forty ethical criteria with regard to three dimensions:
• the health: organic label, absence of endocrine disruptors, aluminium or palm oil… .;
• the social: fair trade, donations to NGOs, priority to the Made in France… ;
• the planet: animal welfare, biodegradable formula, plastic focus…

The website is complemented by a smartphone application that allows this analysis through in-store product scanning. EthicAdvisor also offers for sale the products to which the logo has been assigned.

To go further
• See the EthicAdvisor website

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