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Friday, February 3, 2012Cosmetics glossary



European system for the rapid exchange of information on dangerous products.

Reading time
~ 2 minutes

The objective is to contribute to consumer safety and consumer health protection by putting in place an information system on dangerous products.

This system provides that when a Member State adopts emergency measures to prevent, restrict or impose specific conditions on the possible marketing of a product by reason of a serious and immediate risk presented by the said product to the health and safety of consumers, it shall forthwith inform the Commission.

The system concerns products intended for consumers which are supplied whether for consideration or not in the course of a commercial activity and whether new, used or reconditioned. However, the system does not apply to pharmaceutical products, to animals, to products of animal origin and to radiation emergency situations which are subject to equivalent notification procedures.

The rapid exchange system comes into operation when a product is shown to present a serious and immediate risk for the health and safety of consumers. This risk is assessed on a case by case basis by the national authorities.

When a serious and immediate risk has been identified, the authority consults, where possible and appropriate, the producer or the distributor in order to obtain information on the product and the nature of the hazard. This must make it possible to take measures to ensure consumer protection while minimising interference with trade.

For further information
• The presentation of the RAPEX system on European Commission website.
• The Rapex Weekly Reports

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